Lebro is the founder of Alpha Ventauri, a former military scientist who has saved countless lives to date. He was responsible for the safety of starships transporting humans from one planet to another and would regularly embark on missions to rescue space-stranded individuals.
A problem-solver by nature, Lebro continuously thought about Earth’s civilization and the crises it faced every day. He wanted to fix things but realized the only solution would be to create an entirely new system. Alpha Ventauri was founded to fulfil this purpose.
Lebro earned a permit from the United Planets to build a mecha-organic civilization on planet TOi700d. As he was a trusted ex-military official who has earned an impressive reputation over the years, he was granted full rights. He assembled the science team that would later help him on his journey to Pixoul Planet. Their plan was to conduct research to create mecha-organisms with emotional intelligence so they could create a self-sustaining civilization. This led to the invention of the DittoMorph.
His responsibility was to keep the team safe, provide research tools and establish the weapon manufacturing and defence systems while on Pixoul Planet.