Army veteran and astronomer, he was the youngest member of the crew that launched the first probes to reach planet Proxima B, the most suitable planet for human colonization, but was extremely far from earth, 1,200 light years away.
Lebro, however, took the lead and assembled an elite unit of 4 heros to find a way to reach Proxima B and Construct Pixouol Planet.

As a biomedical engineer and psychologist, after losing all of her family members during World War 4, she drowned herself in work until she met Lebro, who offered her hope for the future. To colonize space and build a civilization on Proxima B, called Pixoul Planet, she worked with Cezero to develop what would later be known as Pixoul Energy.

Having been friends with Lebro for many years, he was the first person to stand behind him when the decision was made to colonize space and establish Pixoul planet. The trip and Pixoul research were funded by him using all his fortune.

An absolute genius in robotics and programming, the youngest member of the founders of pixoul planet, his purpose and drive are not as clear as the other founders, as it seems he’s just into this whole trip for the thrill of it! But the amount of work he’s put in shows a clear dedication to the vision of Pixoul Planet.

The Greediest of the Elites, the one responsible for the industrialization and destruction of legacy city, and the prodigy of Sezero

The Captain of the Elite’s massive warship! And the prodigy of Oxima.

The master of the underground sector of Hexa city, who traded his soul and pixoul for bio tech, turning him into an unforgiving dictator, and the prodigy of Uoglox.